My name is Rudy Rensink and in Januari 2009 I was certified as an original Buzan Licensed Instructor, BLI.
De BLI-Course was a very intensive one. Before the traing, that took place in the Henley Business School in Henley on Thames in England, the participants had to make several Mind Maps which had to be handed over at the start of the training. Some Mind Maps had to be made from Tony Buzan’s books, so you had to read these carefully!
The training lasted four full days and evenings in which all facets of Mind mapping and related aspects, such as the relationships between Mind mapping and the Human Brain, were discussed.
I went back again to attend the 1-day en-user training so that I could give the same training as Tony did, and I have been able to do so succesfully many times!
In May 2012 I went back to Henley for training and certification. Again, the participants had tp prepare intensively in advance.
I then succesfully participated in the 3-day ‘Train the Trainer in SpeedReading’ where I achieved more then 5 times the average reading speed.
After the Speedreading training I followed the intensive 3-day Memory training that I ended with a training for the fellow participants:
I also had the privilege to meet Tony several times on different occacions.
He was also my guest for two days in our office and led a session with education professionals about Mind Mapping:
I am very grateful to have known Tony and to have met him several times. Asd he wrote in a personally signed book for me:
I am also very proud that because of all the training and workshops I have had from Tony Buzan, his books that I have read and processed, the video’s I have seen of him and the additional personal contacts with Tony, I can safely share his Legacy by providing his original Buzan Mind map Training worldwide!